Wednesday 13 November 2013

My Proposal

  Tattoo Documentary; ‘Teen Ink’
 Series 1, 10 Minutes. 

Tattoos have been around for a good thousands of years. The earliest evidence know of tattoos on some bodies body was known for a long time in Egypt and were present on several female mummies dated ‘2000’. Following the recent discovery of the iceman from the area of the Italian-Austrian border in 1991 and his tattoo patterns. The history of tattoos began over 5000 years ago and is divers as the people who wear them. The word ‘Tattoo’ is said to have to major derivations’ which is from the Polynesian word ‘Ta’’ which means striking something the Tahitian word ‘tatatu’ which means ‘ to mark something’.

The Idea
The idea of my documentary is to see if we can stop people at the age of 16 getting inked. Many teenagers are getting tattoos at 16 because they all think or many people think its ‘trendy’. Some tattoo artist will ink teenagers even without parents permission but will do the tattoo somewhere were you can’t really see.
 I think that the broadcaster/financier should broadcaster should spend all the money on my idea because there are many young people who are currently getting tattoos. Most of them aren’t even getting them for a specific reasons just getting them because they think it’s a fashion. I want to try and get people to wait until they are at least 18 and over before they have a tattoo, most teenagers don’t understand the danger and health risk of getting a tattoo so young. So I think that the broadcaster/financier should spend all the money or at least most of the money on my documentary to try get teenagers to stop having tattoos so young and show them the health risks, advantages and disadvantages of getting inked.

Develop the idea
 My documentary will include interviews of two different tattoo artists, and someone at the age of 16 with a tattoo to find out their opinions of teenagers at the age of 16 getting inked.   The main thing that is at stake that has a tattoo at a young age is the risk of infection caused from the ink or bacteria.

How will I do it?
I will approximately three to four interviews on different people, from my parent, a young person who is thinking about getting a tattoo at 16 or has already had a tattoo at 16 and possibly two-tattoo artist. I will ask my mother a few questions about; ‘Tattoos when she was younger’, how were they perceived? And when did she get her first tattoo? I will be interviewing someone at the age of 16 and also ask them a few questions asking’ Do they regret having a tattoo at 16?   And I will then get an interview with two different tattoo artist and ask them their opinions on teenagers age 16 getting inked and ask them do they agree with it and would they tattoo them with out parent permission.

Themes and Subtext
What I find interesting about my idea on tattoo documentary is the fact that there are so many people from all ages getting inked and not many of them know the risks of getting a tattoo. Most teenagers are getting them to fit in with other people. I’d like to find out in my research why teenagers don’t wait in till the legal age to actually getting a tattoo? Why do you they want them now and not wait?

Access/ Schedule/Crew
I will have access to the tattoo artist studio to film their interviews and I will have access to my home to interview the person who had a tattoo at 16.  I will have access of a camera and a tripod to film my documentary and I will also have access to my own script of what questions to ask and see how everything goes. I will use the time wisely as I only have 10 minutes to film the whole documentary.

Final Sum Up
 I hope after people have watched my documentary that it puts a message out to the teenagers/parents and maybe even tattoo artist to stop getting tattoos and for tattoo artist to stop getting people inked younger then 18. 


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