Wednesday 13 November 2013

Secondary Research ' The History Of Tattoos'

 History of Tattoos
Tattoos have been around for thousands of years. The earliest evidence of known of tattoos on actual bodies the earliest known were for a long time in Egyptian and were present on several female mummies dated ‘2000’.  Following the most recent discovery of the Iceman from the area of the Italian-Austrian border in 1991 and his tattoo patterns. The history of tattoo began over 5000 years ago and is diverse as the people who wear them.

The word ‘Tattoo’ is said to have to major derivations- from the Polynesian word ‘Ta’ which means striking something the Tahitian word ‘tatatu’ which means ‘to mark something’. Inserting colored materials beneath the skins service creates tattoos. The first tattoos were probably created by accident.  Somebody had a small wound and rubbed it with a hand that was dirty with soot and ashes from the fire, once the wound healed, they saw that mark stayed permanently.
Oetzi the Iceman
This is the mummy known as Oetzi, an iceman dated to be at least 5300 years of age. His tattoos are comprised of horizontal and vertical lines. There’s a certain amount of debate about the reason tattoos are there.
Since discovery of the remains, researchers have been able to do a little but guess that this most primeval type of tattoo was designed with the intent of fending off evil spirits, or that it may possibly have been a particular kind of rite of passage. 

The most common opinion is that the tattoos were designed for curative purposes. Oetzi’s fifty-seven tattoos are located on several joints on the body. The belief is that the tattoos were created at the same time, as a form of acupuncture was practiced to relieve painful joints.

Oriental Tattoos

In Japan, tattoos had been originally used on clay figures; These human shaped figures represented a deceased individual and have been found in the sepulchers of the person in whose likeness they were designed. The tattoos were embossed or painted on the faces of the figures. It is believed that these markings have religious or mystical connotation. The figures have been found to be in tombs that have been dated from 3,000 BC.

What are the benefits of getting a tattoo?
There isn’t really any benefits of getting a tattoo expect to please you.  Some people don’t like the thought of tattoos but other people may envy yours and have a create obsession with getting them.  Tattoos are very much in fashion today and very popular. 

Advantages and Disadvantages
There are quite a lot of different advantages and disadvantages about having tattoos. There are many good things and bad things as well.  Most people who get tattoos get them for the symbolic meaning. Although there are some who get tattoos to get them for the look but then many ending up regretting getting the tattoo later in life. 

Health Risk Of Getting A Tattoo

There are many different health risks with getting a tattoo.
·       Allergic Reactions 
·      Skin Infections
·      Psoriasis
·      Tumors.

Due to the use of needles in tattoo application, there is also the risk of contracting infectious diseases such as tetanus, herpes simplex virus, HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis B and V and even Syphilis. And those with the tattoos might not be able to get a life saving Magnetic Resonance Imaging test if they needed one. Some hospitals and testing locations refuse to do an MRI on people with body tattoos due to the metal particles in the tattoo, which may cause a burning pain during the test.

The biggest allergy the customer needs to worry about is the Latex, as the tattoo artist usually uses latex gloves.  Even if you only have a slight allergy to latex you might want to ask the tattoo artist to chance the type on his gloves as he will be doing a lot of stretching to the skin and touching already tattoo areas. Which then can lead to swelling, irritations and more discomfort than necessary.

Some tattoo artist use A&D ointment instead of Vaseline for covering the finished tattoo and this has cod liver oil in it as a major ingredient. Therefore if you have an allergy to fish oil, this can cause enormous problem for you and your tattoo and can even send you to the hospital as well as ruining your tattoo. 

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